Guaranteed fluency with our neuro-linguistic methods and expert language coaches

Learn how the most effective language learning methods will guarantee that you speak Chinese fluently:

Using neuro-linguistic-based methods tailored to your needs, learn Chinese the way your brain learns languages best.

🙌 Native-like speaking and listening training so you can finally express yourself confidently

🙌 Effective learning methods so you don’t spend years learning this language.

🙌 Personalized learning plan, coaching you to become fluent in 4 to 8 months, guaranteed.


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Stop wasting time with books, apps, and methods that don’t train your conversational skills.

People waste months and even years staying at the intermediate level plateau, and aren’t sure how to get past it so that they can finally think and express themselves comfortably in Chinese.

Trying to pass the HSK4/5/6 exams will only get you to learn 2500 words, but this isn’t even half of where you need to be to communicate in most daily life situations…

<aside> 🧑‍🎓 You need to learn the 4000 most commonly used everyday words to feel comfortable in 95% of daily life situations (based on linguistics research)


Conversational fluency means acquiring 4000 of the most commonly used words while also increasing your listening & speaking ability.

And that takes years if you’re using your current way of learning…

“But I’ve been learning for like 2+ years, and barely know 1000 words…”

We know… That’s because you’re often learning with incomplete methods that aren’t getting the language to stick in your long-term memory and actually become usable.


What we do

We help dedicated students become conversationally fluent using personalized learning plans to ensure that students reach conversational fluency in under 8 months - Guaranteed.

We give you everything you need based on your specific situation combined with how the human brain learns languages best - Neuro-linguistics.

This is for you if you:

Learning Chinese doesn't need to be hard.

You just need to stop using outdated, beginner-focused, unstructured materials taught by people who don't have any background in language learning or teaching.

<aside> ⚠️ Disclaimer: We’re currently focused on getting Intermediate level students to speak fluently


>>> Schedule an Appointment to See How Xiaogua Chinese Can Help You Become Conversationally Fluent <<<

How we do it:

All of this guarantees that you’ll reach fluency.


When our student started, she was barely at the HSK2 level, but was motivated to accelerate her learning and not spend years before becoming fluent. This is her progress after 2.5 months; she still has 5 months to go.

When our student started, she was barely at the HSK2 level, but was motivated to accelerate her learning and not spend years before becoming fluent. This is her progress after 2.5 months; she still has 5 months to go.


Following our method and coaching, if you don't advance faster in the first 30 days than you have EVER BEFORE learning Chinese, you will get a full refund +20% for wasting your time.

We're so confident that you will speak Chinese fluently in under 8 months with us, that we’ll pay you if you don’t get results.

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